Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Week 6: Blood Test, Weight Gain & Mountain Air

knows this is the gravel road to the park
Day 36:  As we start week 6 of this craziness, we got the results of her blood tests back today to make sure that she is getting enough of the anti-fungal meds absorbed into her bloodstream. They looked great!! She needs to score between a 3 - 10 ug/ml and Xena's were 9! This means that I can stop second guessing every limp, sneeze, and whine and have some piece of mind to know that her body is taking in every bit of the meds and not rejecting them and letting this blastomycosis fungus keep growing. HUGE weight lifted. The vet said they don't need to see her back for 4 weeks. At that point they will recheck her liver/kidney (more blood tests) and do a full exam (maybe new chest xrays at that point). So what did we do to celebrate the news? I took Xena to the park for a full 20 minutes were she chased, rolled and frolicked then stopped at Chic-fil-a and got her some grilled chicken nuggets to add to her dinner :)
trying to take a puppy selfie & i got an ear full of kisses on camera

Day 37:  Xena gained another lb this week! She's up to 58.4lbs as of today. She was ~65lbs before all of this.

Day 38, 39, 40 & 41:

Made it up to Xena's favorite place this weekend -- the cabin. She had quite an adventure on Friday night with my family and their friends at the new brewery in downtown blue ridge. She's also allowed at most every place in the city, so she joined us for dinner on the patio of a newer restaurant there too. All that excitement was enough to wipe her out for the entire next day. Between the sleep, the fresh mountain air, and getting to frolic for a few minutes here and there at her will outdoors, she is a happy pup tonight!

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